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Anabolic-androgenic steroids abuse has been shown to affect the cardiomyocyte survival and heart function in cell cultures, animal models and humans[1,2]. Sustained elevations in circulating testosterone or androgen levels, a consequence of steroid abuse, can result in increased cardiac output and arrhythmias, which can lead to cardiac arrest and heart failure in patients with cardiac failure [3]. These phenomena may be partly mediated by anabolic androgenic steroid-induced enhancement of aldosterone synthesis, which may be responsible for the increase in left ventricular size [4], female bodybuilder cutting diet plan. In addition, anabolic androgenic steroid use can alter aldosterone, a key mediator that is responsible for the activation of potassium channels (2,3,4,5). The mechanisms by which androgens increase potassium conductance are still unclear [4], side effects of anabolic steroids in females include. Moreover, the role of potassium channel subunit G(1)A2, a potassium channel expressed by cardiomyocytes, has been demonstrated in experimental animal studies to modulate cardiac function and cardiac arrhythmias [6], female.fitness models steroids. Because androgens have multiple endocrine effects, alterations in calcium homeostasis may also be associated with decreased heart rate, but only in certain tissue/substrate-specific settings such as cardiac failure and atherosclerosis. Several studies indicate that androgens reduce calcium-transporter (CaT) activity and increase calcium content of heart chambers, female bodybuilder talks steroids. Therefore, it has been suggested that androgens could stimulate calcium release from cardiac chambers (and, indirectly, from other areas), thus increasing the magnitude and duration of Ca-transporting activity [7], female bodybuilder after stopping steroids. However, calcium transporters and CaT have different roles in cardiomyocyte function and are involved in different tissue/substrate-specific parameters. Consequently, it has been suggested that cardiomyocyte calcium transporters are involved in the calcium-transport and, indirectly, in the cardiac contraction-releasing function, while CaT-induced changes in cardiac muscle have been shown to be a direct consequence of androgen deprivation in experimental animal models of cardiac failure [8,9], female bodybuilder no steroids. In addition, anabolic androgenic steroid exposure increases cardiac muscle protein catabolism in experimental animal models of cardiac failure, leading to an imbalance in the balance between protein synthesis and degradation of the myocyte [5] ( ). In addition, there exist other, yet to be clarified, mechanisms that are involved in changes in muscle protein metabolism and function. Cardiac injury with myocardial fibrosis Cardiac fibrosis is characterized by cell proliferation in the myocyte, as well as increased apoptotic responses of myocytes [10], models female.fitness steroids.
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